--- Adam Bower abower@thebowery.co.uk wrote:
On Mon, 3 Sep 2001 Jenny_Hopkins@toby-churchill.com wrote:
Czech Republic was brilliant. How was the linux wanderfest for
those that
The LBW was really great! there was much beer drinking and a good time was had by all. There was talk of going to the Czech republic for a future LBW but there is a lack of people who are able to organise things there.
Ireland is also looking likely.
<homer> hmmm, irish women, hmmm </homer>
Highlights of the LinuxBierWanderung included a walk around the villages of Apach and Perl, a torchlit tour of the castle and of course lots of beer drinking ;-)
And the sight of me swimming across the river for my birthday!
/me makes mental note not to email his birthday to any mailing lists :o)
Oh and the wireless network to the campsite was fun. For those interested pictures will be up soon on lbw2001.org
PS Martyn any idea when I will get email back?
This message is Copyleft - all rights reversed Adam
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