On 14-Sep-01 Adam Bower wrote:
On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Mills wrote:
Raphael Mankin wrote:
<flamewar> As an employer of programmers of some 30 years experience I find that CS graduates are generally a dead loss. I would much rather employ English or Philosophy graduates: at least they know that they don't know. They also tend to have some knowledge of the world outside computers, unlike the CS graduates who can best be described as pig ignorant. </flamewar>
Please apologize for these comments.
Why the hell should anyone apologize for that!! It is an opinion, of which others don't agree, anyway here is my take on this I wasn't going to reply as I didn't want to generate any flamebait but however.....
You have go me on my hobby horse so ... <rant> I finished my schooling in the early 60s, before most of you were born. In that I was lucky. During the 70s there was a period when 'teaching' was a dirty word: children were supposed to discover, not be taught. Teaching was held to inhibit their development. Those of you going through university now, or recently graduated, have been taught by teachers who are the product of that doctrine. That is, your teachers are themselves ignorant. You cannot therefore be surprised if, by the standards of just a few decades ago, you are considered ignorant.
There is now a move to recover the situation, to inculcate some sort of notion of a 'standard of education'. For most of you, however, it is too late; your children will benefit, but you are the product of incompetent teachers and, unless you are really determined, it will be very difficult for you to recover the situation.