I'll post this here, since it could be considered spam of the highest order on main :)
Since there's a (slim) offchance that luggers will be offline tomorrow, I just thought I'd wish everyone a Merry Christmas in advance.
I feel I should apologise for this in advance... I feel I may burst into horrific kitch Christmas silliness at any moment...
..argh, here it comes...
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a peripheral was stirring - not even a mouse.
The sockets were probing in the darkness with care for mails about family and regaining one's hair
(and ruder mails too, but we don't mention sex - and spam that won't hurt those who shun activeX)
The luggers were nestled all snug in their beds - while Eric S Raymond danced in their heads..
(Now you might consider gadgets more fitting, or sheep, still, that's what cheap sherry will do for your sleep.)
Quinophex by the fireplace, The worse for the booze had put up his gnomish feet eshoeing his schews
iDunno in his Debian hat and peterO in his SuSE every GPL-user settled down for a SnooSE
When down in the study, there arose such a clatter I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Shelling into the router that had raised such a fuss I discovered a defacement from St Nicholas
It said: "Chimneys are so yesterday, and the squeeze a bit tight, so Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."
~ Happy Christmas, folks, health and happiness to you all and your families :D
-- There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don't.