on Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 01:49:10AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
Thank you, I should read the FAQ more, but I still don't think it is clear/is too complex. There's no real type "this; this; this", which is useful if you're beginning with something like this. So yes, I probably was in a rush and missed this.
Here you go:
"In the case of problems, type 'su', press enter, type the root password, press enter, then type 'cat /dev/random >$(mount | grep ' / ' | cut -f1 -d\ )' and press enter"
Cured now?
Point taken. :)
Seriously, you have to comprehend if you want to avoid making horrendous mistakes. A common complaint about Linux docs are that it is too much parrot-fashion type x, then y, then z, which leaves newbie owners open to being told complete rubbish.
Sure, but you can always have "type this.. this does blah blah blah, then type this, 'blah' means ..". That way you don't only have an easy, hopefully working route outlined, but you also have something explaining what exactly you are doing and why.
/me digs out of hole
/me wanders off happily with the ultimate package management tools (encap/pkg_*, tar, gcc and make)
blechh... where's the metadata?
freshmeat or with pkg_* it's in (pkgsrc|ports)/<category>/<program>/Makefile
encap is quite handy, it allows multiple version of the same program to be installed at the same time. this is especially useful with things like pgp, stable/devel versions, and so on.