--- Adam Bower abower@thebowery.co.uk wrote:
On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, David Freeman wrote:
We have had 3 IBM HDD fail in the last couple of months, this is to higher a risk. I was going to get a Seagate. as I have never had
porblems with Seagate.
To be 100% honest I have seen almost the same failure rates with all types of hard-disks in recent years. What really gets me is modern computer hardware seems to burn out after about 3 years nowadays. I still have my old 48k spectrum that works fine and my Amiga 4000 workstation (with 80Mb IBM hdd!) which is still also ok. contrast that with the amount of modern machines I have had problems with and it is most annoying, I remember the days............
MyBBC still works as does my 386's. Bear in mind that these days we are pushing the laws of physics more and more to the limit that things will fail more. Perhaps I should buy a backup device at the same time.
This message is Copyleft - all rights reversed Adam
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