I don't feel that I am being confrontational,
Adam, I've noticed that you never do think that :-) :-)
FWIW: One thing that I have found in my own life is that getting angry about feeling hard done by is a sort of vicious circle that perpetuates itself. It's easier to feel angry at everyone else than to do something about it - I still do it myself far too often. Worth thinking about?
Wouldn't your time be better used in constructively looking for ways of getting the training that you want - looking for grants etc - than in destructively kicking up a fuss about this course? What are you going to gain from that?
Do you not think that I have not done this already? I have been told that there is no money to help me out, the course won't run etc. I have also been told that I live in the wrong postcode to get help with funding.
Again, I am only suggesting that you stop and think what you are going to gain from all this and whether your time and energies are going to be better used in some other way.
BTW have you discussed options with your adviser at the Job Centre? I found that there were some very useful advice sessions available when I was last signing on two or three years ago.
You're young, you're intelligent and energetic, you have no children or other big financial responsibilities - now is the ideal time in your life to go for education or career change. Believe me it gets much harder as you get older and have a family etc. I was well into my forties, with children, before I began to get my act together.
Why not do a degree for example or even consider something like teaching? I think you'd be very good at it. And it's worthwhile, well paid and will certainly require all that pent-up energy that you have!
HTH and good luck.