This does not meen I think that drag and drop is imposible on light weight applications my favourate graphical file manager XFtree/Xtree is an ideal
xftree is dead! Long live ROX-Filer!
having played with Motif now I shall finish my current project and if I ever right a linux GUI based application again I am using Qt because I think David is right Motif and maybe other "traditional" widget sets are poor.
Qt is just another traditional widget set. Well, actually, no, it's a widget set with a particularly stupid preprocessor requirement which tries to "embrace and extend". It annoys me.
I'm planning to look more closely at GTK. Probably with guile-gtk.
vi does not folloew conventional User Interface theory but still is imprssive as one gets to use it, maybe the theory is wrong.
vi is impossible. Because of its stupendously braindead interface, I *still* end up nuking large chunks of files in error and have to abort the edit. vim's multiple undo makes it tolerable, but vim is hardly light.
Hidden "modes" are UI blasphemy, I think. I can't give a single situation where they improve matters. Can you?
vi is impossible. Because of its stupendously braindead interface, I *still* end up nuking large chunks of files in error and have to abort the edit. vim's multiple undo makes it tolerable, but vim is hardly light.
I'm guessing you're an Emacs user. <ashley starts to zip up flamesuit>
Ashley T. Howes PhD
"When all the animals of this world are gone, man will die of loneliness"